Date I went: 04/27/2020
Youtube video:
Today I went from my home base in Higashiyama to Nagahama. I traveled around 70 kilometers around the west side of Lake Biwa. It was a bit windy on the ride especially closer to the lake shores. I really took in the vastness of Lake Biwa on my ride up and got to see some other cool sites along the way. You can also see how large Mt. Ibuki looms in the background of Nagahama City.
Bike Route: Higashiyama => Nagahama (82 Kilometers)
Kishida House (Where I stayed for the night)
Accomodation Link:
Lake Biwa (琵琶湖)
Otsu (大津市)
Fujigasakiryu Shrine (藤ヶ崎龍神社)
Okishima (沖島)
Horikiri Port (堀切新港)
University of Shiga Prefecture (滋賀県立大学)
Hikone Castle (彦根城)
Mount Ibuki (伊吹山)
Nagahama Biwako Daibutsu (長浜びわこ大仏)
Kurokabe Square (黒壁スクエア)
Other Pictures Along the Way